Date: Thursday, 6 February 2020
Venue: DWF, 20 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 3AG – Directions
- 4:00 Registration
- 4:30 Introduction by Chair, Charles Feeny
- 4:35 Professor Maurice Zeegers – Forensic Epidemiology and Probabilistic Causation
- 5:10 Professor Jon Beard – Pathology and Risk Factors in DVT
- 5:30 Short break
- 5:35 Case Study Panel with Professor Zeegers, Professor Beard and Per Laleng, Senior Lecturer
in Law, University of Kent - 6:15 Concluding words from Professor Zeegers
- 6:30 Close and drinks
The programme has been designed around a case study involving deep venous thrombosis (DVT). The study has been constructed in a way to be relevant both to group litigation and clinical negligence claims. The study is available now on the Pro-Vide website ( and through the LinkedIn group for this event.
Forensic epidemiology is a developing discipline and one of the first professors in the world, Maurice Zeegers, will speak on the concepts of forensic epidemiology and how the same can be used in the application of epidemiological evidence in litigation. To assist in the understanding of the case studies, Professor Jonathan Beard will explain the pathology and risk factors in relation to deep venous thrombosis. Professor Beard is a consultant vascular surgeon and Professor of Surgical Education at the Royal College of Surgeons.
After a short break, the case study will be discussed with a panel and, hopefully, significant contributions from the audience. In addition to Professor Zeegers and Professor Beard, the panel will include Mr Per Laleng, a senior lecturer in law at the University of Kent, who takes a particular interest in the issues surrounding the use of statistical evidence in Court.
The event will end with some concluding remarks from Professor Zeegers, in particular as to how the issues might usefully be taken forward.
Please be aware that numbers are limited. If you are interested, please email to register.