Complete Counsel to speak at upcoming AvMA event

Both Ana Samuel and Charles Austin will be speaking at the upcoming AvMA event in Liverpool.

The important work conducted by AvMA’s inquest service is the basis for this conference, which is designed to be a comprehensive guide to the practice and procedures when representing a family at an inquest. Leading legal experts will take you through the preparation process, helping you to understand the complex issue of disclosure, management of expert evidence and Article 2. An update on case law, funding issues and post-inquest remedies will also be discussed. The event is aimed at intermediate to advanced level solicitors, junior barristers and healthcare professionals. The programme will be available and booking will open in Summer 2019.

Representing Families at Inquests: A Practical Guide
21 November 2019, Hard Day’s Night Hotel, Liverpool

To learn more or to book a seat at the event visit the AvMA website.

Event: Crime & Punishment with Lorraine Mensah

Advising defendants of risk of deprivation of British citizenship and deportation.

Wednesday 9th October 2019
Registration 4.30pm
Seminar 4.45pm-5.45pm
Ground Floor Conference Suite, The Plaza,
100 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9QJ

Delegate Fee £35 + VAT


Charles Austin in Liverpool Law Magazine

Charles Austin appears in the September 2019 issue of the Liverpool Law Magazine:

The Court of Appeal decision in Goldscheider v Royal Opera House Covent Garden Foundation [2019] EWCA Civ 711 is important for employers. It raises the question whether Section 69 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 would have altered the decision.

Click here to read the issue. Charlie’s article can be found on page 32.