Here’s to 2018
So, as another year passes I thought I’d look back on the achievements of 2017 and think ahead to 2018 with all the promise it could bring.
We started out in 2015 with the sole purpose of creating a lean model, one with collaboration, co-working and non-conformity at its heart.
Sure there were naysayers, those who thought there was no room in the market for a niche company providing all the support a barrister needed at a fraction of the cost and no building noose around their necks. Fast forward almost 3 years and I’m pleased to say those sceptics were quite obviously wrong. Our starting team of 3 Barristers became 8, all with established and flourishing practices.
We have no overdraft and no need for one, consultancy contracts in place of full time employees allowing me to buy in what I need from whom whenever I need it. Our IT, social media sites and para legal support all provided by energetic, idea fuelled individuals with a thirst to shake things up a bit, heck perhaps even a lot with their brilliant but cost effective ideas. 2018 I hope will continue in the same vein. Excited to see who the 9th Barrister to join us will be. Happy New Year everyone.
Thank you to all those who continue to support me on the best journey of my life. Your friendship is invaluable.
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