We offer a range of services from Diary and Practice Management, fee/aged debt collection and access to Mediator.
Basic Service:
This incorporates full IT and PA support within the use of the MLC software. This support includes diary and practice management. We have office facilities for use in Liverpool, London and Dublin which is also included within this package. Larger conference space for Joint Settlement Meetings can be arranged together with access to Westlaw/Lawtel at a separate (but low) cost.
This basic service is billed at £550 plus vat.
Practice Management
Our Practice Director, Claire Labio assists with marketing and developing client relationships. Counsel using the Practice Management services will indicate their targets and objectives which will form part of an agreed action plan. This plan is reviewed and revised on a regular basis.
Practice Management is charged at 5% – 10% of net billings plus VAT – depending on the work involved. Net is net of any fees written off during the course of any relevant period.
Fee and Financial Management
Helen Southworth our Fee Administrator has responsibility for all billing and fee collection for our Barrister Clients. Barristers are also be able to provide information which will be used for the production of VAT and tax returns in draft form. This service will not include professional advice on taxation issues.
Financial and Fee Management is charged at 2% of fees collected plus VAT